New-York, NYC

Ce projet rassemble des portraits réalisés au hasard des rencontres dans les rues de New York entre aout 2016 et Aout 2018. Des hommes et des femmes, pour la plupart issus de l’immigration. L’intention de cette série est de montrer la beauté et la diversité de la ville à travers le regard de ses habitants.

The New York City series presents portraits of people I met randomly in the streets of New York between August 2016 and August 2018. By bringing these portraits together, I try to show the beauty and the diversity of the city. The people I photographed there are from Puerto Rico, China, Chicago, Tennessee... they were born here or not, their family arrived several generations ago, or not. They are all New Yorkers, wandering among the stones of their city, in Harlem, Brooklyn, Soho, Williamsburg, Manhattan’s High Line... « E pluribus unum », Out of many, one.